Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Sketchbook drawings

Personalised Bibs

A friend has recently had a brand new (smells like baby) baby girl so as a gift I've made these personalised bibs from painted images and a little carry bag for them too.


More sketchbook work- later I made these dogs into bookmarks!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Sketchbook + too much time on my hands = new animals

Sketchbook experiment with watercolour

The view from our flat

Vorticist inspired card design

After visiting the 'Vorticist: Mainfesto for a modern World' exhibition at the Tate Britain earlier this year, I was inspired to produce a pastiche based on the Vorticist style. Less machinery and more nature in mine though, I'm not sure the Vorticists would be best pleased!

Poster work, The Big Machine

As it's been a veritable lifetime since I've uploaded anything you can now expect bundles of it to come at once.

Summer time: Here I've helped a friend with a few drawings for a poster based on a machine that she made.